
Semantic Release Nexus Plugin

View the Project on GitHub collin-miller/semantic-release-nexus


Release semantic-release

Semantic Release Nexus Plugin


This project is a plugin for the Semantic Release framework which will allow you to publish an arbitrary file type to a raw Nexus repository. This is great for pushing binaries, tars, zips, etc. to your Nexus instance for usage throughout your environment.


yarn add semantic-release-nexus --dev


    "branches": ["main"],
    "plugins": [
                "nexusHost": "",
                "nexusPath": "your-super-cool-project",
                "assets": [
                        "path": "dist/your-super-cool-project-*-darwin.tar.gz"
                        "path": "dist/your-super-cool-project-*-linux.tar.gz"
                        "path": "dist/your-super-cool-project-*"


Authentication is not required but basic auth is supported via environment variables. You may set NEXUS_USER and NEXUS_PASSWORD (alternatively replacing NX for NEXUS) environment variables for basic auth.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
NEXUS_USER/NX_USER The Username of the service account used for basic auth.
NEXUS_PASSWORD/NX_PASSWORD The Password of the service account used for basic auth.
NEXUS_HOST/NX_HOST The hostname or CNAME of the Nexus instance.
NEXUS_PATH/NX_PATH The Path/Directory/Group to host your assets.


Option Description Default
nexusHost The URL of the Nexus Host. NX_URL or NEXUS_URL environment variable.
nexusPath The group or path prefix to host the packages in Nexus. NX_PATH or NEXUS_PATH environment variable.
assets An array of files to upload to the release. See assets. -


Can be a glob or and Array of globs and Objects with the following properties:

Property Description Default
path Required. A glob to identify the files to upload. -
name The name of the downloadable file on the GitHub release. File name extracted from the path.